All standard power cable assemblies manufactured by TMB are certified as cCSAus for the USA and Canada.
The relevant standards are as follows:
UL 817, 11th Ed - Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords
UL 62, 18th Ed - Flexible Cords and Cables
C22.2 No 21-14, 9th Ed - Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords
C22.2 No. 49-10, 13th Ed - Flexible Cords and Cables
C22.2 No. 96-09, 9th Ed - Portable power cables
INFORMS: Cord Sets No 7A - Production-Line Test for Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords
TMB is certified by Neutrik as a COCA (Certified OpticalCON Assembler), thereby fully trained and authorized to build tactical fibre cable assemblies using Neutrik OpticalCON connectors.